
How to deploy kctf-operator

apogiatzis opened this issue · 7 comments

Hey guys,

I was looking for instructions on how to build and deploy the kctf-operator and stumbled across this documentation page however it seems that it's out of date.

Even though the instructions recommend using operator-sdk v0.18.x, when I try to generate the CRDs I am getting the following error:

FATA[0000] failed to read config: error unmarshalling project configuration: error unmarshaling JSON: while decoding JSON: json: cannot unmarshal array into Go struct field Config.layout of type string

Can you please advise on the matter?

Ah, Eduardo just updated the operator to a newer version I think. @sirdarckcat can you take a look?

Oh, sorry, I forgot about that document

Here's the script we used, it can be ran after you activate kCTF.

Thanks for the pointers! It's much appeciated!

However I am looking into deploying the operator on a kubernetes cluster on premise. So I assume the ${KCTF_BIN}/kctf-cluster" start command would deploy the operator on a GKE cluster right? How would you suggest deploying the operator on an on premise cluster?

hmm, well, some things wont work, but try it! add a namespace called kctf-system and then run kubectl apply -f

that said, it's probably better for you to just send a pull request and modify the kind cluster.

Will try it out! Thanks!

Also mentioning this here #342 as it seems related.

I will keep you informed of the progress here.

yep, I agree. I think we can mark this as a duplicate of 342.