
Error when starting demo challenge

hmkyriacou opened this issue · 12 comments

I am trying to start the demo pwn challenge but I am getting this error.

The push refers to repository [] Get "": dial tcp [2607:f8b0:400c:c02::52]:443: connect: cannot assign requested address [E] command returned 1

Sometimes I do not get the error, and it seems like it worked, but I still cannot connect to the challenge.

Not sure what it means, or if it is related to not being able to connect to it.

I have been following the kCTF Infrastructure Walkthrough.

Thanks for any help.

Hmm, that is weird. It sounds like you might have run out of local ports?
Does the problem persist after a reboot?

Hmm, that is weird. It sounds like you might have run out of local ports?

Does the problem persist after a reboot?

I was doing this on the Google Cloud Shell.

I was able to connect using the IP address found in the GKE console, but not the domain when the command did not throw that error.

hmm so the DNS is not working?

When i do not get that error, I am able to connect using the IP but I get that error sometimes and the challenge fails to start.

Could that error be connected to the domain not working as well?

I do believe that the "cannot assign requested address" is a problem with the VM itself. I.e. man connect says:

              (Internet domain sockets) The socket referred to by sockfd
              had not previously been bound to an address and, upon
              attempting to bind it to an ephemeral port, it was
              determined that all port numbers in the ephemeral port
              range are currently in use.  See the discussion of
              /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_local_port_range in [ip(7)](

That being said, I don't know why the connection doesn't work in the cases where you don't get an error. Can you check kctf chal status to see if the challenge is running properly?

Here is the output of kctf chal status

cscexec_wpi@cloudshell:~/kctf-test/demo-pwn-chal (ctf-infra-test)$ kCTF[ctf=kctf-test,config=remote-cluster,chal=demo-pwn-chal] > kctf chal status

demo-pwn-chal   disabled   Running   true       true


Challenge execution status
This shows you how many instances of the challenges are running.

NAME                             READY   STATUS       RESTARTS   AGE   IP          NODE                                          NOMINATED NODE   READINESS GATES
demo-pwn-chal-7c87559d56-njp2b   1/1     Running      0          18h   gke-kctf-cluster-default-pool-cfe86287-1pbq   <none>           <none>
demo-pwn-chal-7c87559d56-zttpb   0/1     Terminated   0          42h   <none>      gke-kctf-cluster-default-pool-cfe86287-sfzh   <none>           <none>


Challenge deployment status
This shows you if the challenge was deployed to the cluster.

NAME            READY   UP-TO-DATE   AVAILABLE   AGE   CONTAINERS   IMAGES                                                                                                              SELECTOR
demo-pwn-chal   1/1     1            1           42h   challenge   app=demo-pwn-chal


Challenge external status
This shows you if the challenge is exposed externally.

NAME                       TYPE           EXTERNAL-IP    PORT   DNS
demo-pwn-chal              NodePort       <none>         1337   <none>
demo-pwn-chal-lb-service   LoadBalancer   1337

No resources found in default namespace.

I don't see anything weird with that.

Here is me trying to connect to it:

cscexec_wpi@cloudshell:~/kctf-test/demo-pwn-chal (ctf-infra-test)$ kCTF[ctf=kctf-test,config=remote-cluster,chal=demo-pwn-chal] > nc 1337
nc: getaddrinfo for host "" port 1337: Name or service not known
cscexec_wpi@cloudshell:~/kctf-test/demo-pwn-chal (ctf-infra-test)$ kCTF[ctf=kctf-test,config=remote-cluster,chal=demo-pwn-chal] > nc 1337
== proof-of-work: disabled ==

Is there anything else I should try?

So I have been testing and rebuilding the cluster and challenges and the error I originally posted about has not been showing up.

I am still having DNS issues though, and I am not sure how to further debug it. I have just been following the tutorial, so I set the public field in the yaml file to true and it says it provisioned a DNS record, but I cannot connect using it.

On the DNS console, I see the record, but I do not see any challenge records. Is there any other options that I need to enable?


Edit: I can manually add the record and it works fine.

can you find the DNS daemonset on it should be under GKE -> Workloads and see its logs

So i see that it the external-dns workload is not working. When I check the logs I see this error:

"pkg/mod/ Failed to watch *v1.Ingress: failed to list *v1.Ingress: is forbidden: User "system:serviceaccount:kctf-system:external-dns-sa" cannot list resource "ingresses" in API group "" at the cluster scope"

that should be fixed with 9d1f2a5