
test-reduce-basics instructions are not clear

astronaut-wannabe opened this issue · 3 comments

(define-test test-reduce-basics
    "The reduce function applies uses a supplied
     binary function to combine the elements of a
     list from left to right."
  (assert-equal ___  (reduce #'+ '(1 2 3 4)))
  (assert-equal ___ (reduce #'expt '(2 3 2))))

This doc string doesn't really make sense, specifically the "function applies uses a" bit.

I was going to open a PR, but I am not actually sure what it is supposed to be. Maybe:

The reduce function combines the elements of a list, from left to right, by applying a supplied binary function to the list elements

I guess that's a bit easier to understand. Maybe drop the 'supplied'? Feel free to make a PR.

If the merged commit fixed this adequately it would be good to close the issue, otherwise to add info about what is still needed.

Slids commented

Since there's been no update in a few years, I'm guessing the fix was adequate.