Doesn't respect comments between functions
akov opened this issue · 0 comments
akov commented
When you try to remove a function it seems to count comments after it that are clearly not on the indentation level of the body of the function as part of the function and they seem to get removed.
In [4]: src = """\
...: x = 3
...: def f(y):
...: return y + 2
...: # lol
...: def g(y):
...: return y + 7
...: """
In [5]: n = pasta.parse(src)
In [6]: n
Out[6]: <_ast.Module at 0x3ac1750>
In [7]: n.body
[<_ast.Assign at 0x3ac1790>,
<_ast.FunctionDef at 0x3ac1b10>,
<_ast.FunctionDef at 0x3ac19d0>]
In [8]: n.body = n.body[n.body[0], n.body[2]]
TypeError Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-8-5d440e76f12a> in <module>()
----> 1 n.body = n.body[n.body[0], n.body[2]]
TypeError: list indices must be integers, not tuple
In [9]: n.body = [n.body[0], n.body[2]]
In [10]: n.body
Out[10]: [<_ast.Assign at 0x3ac1790>, <_ast.FunctionDef at 0x3ac19d0>]
In [11]: pasta.dump(n)
Out[11]: 'x = 3\ndef g(y):\n return y + 7\n'
In [12]: print pasta.dump(n)
x = 3
def g(y):
return y + 7