
Better objective notes display in read-only mode (e.g. click-to-expand)

amdw opened this issue · 0 comments

amdw commented

Currently, when an objective has notes, the objective gets a little note icon, hovering over which will display the note as a tooltip.

This only really works for very small amounts of text, and doesn't allow for things like links or other HTML elements within the note.

It would be good to come up with a better way to view notes in read-only mode. One idea would be to use something like Angular Material expansion panels:

That way you could click on an objective, and if it had a note, the objective would expand to display it. The notes could then be put through the Markdown rendering pipe if the objective was Markdown-enabled, which would enable the notes to contain links and other HTML elements.

Care would need to be taken not to increase the height of unexpanded objectives. And thought would need to go into how to indicate in the UI which objectives are expandable, since we're already using the far right of the objective for a cumulative resource sum, meaning there isn't really room for the standard right-hand-side expansion arrow.