
Eddystone URL not working on Android 8.0 Oreo

BeaconZone opened this issue · 7 comments

Eddystone-URL doesn't show notifications on Nexus 5X on Oreo. Doing Settings... Google... Nearby detects the beacon and then shows it in the notification also - but that's obviously not the required end-user experience. More from another user at!topic/physical-web-discuss/1_VDVBPyEYE

This is with the release version of Oreo being rolled out to 5X users.

BeaconZone Ltd

Hey Simon,
How much time did you take before going into settings? What you describe was experienced by us on 5.0, 6.0 and 7.0 devices as well. The only kind of "cure" for it is actually waiting a little longer in some examples even days before nearby notification start to appear. @mmocny any thoughts?

I waited a few minutes - the usual max time it took pre 8.0. Never had to wait days. Whether it's a new or old bug, it needs to be fixed.

Last issue like this we experienced was on a brand new 7.0 device and it took about 2 weeks if I remember correctly.

Any update? If this is not yet resolved, would you mind taking a bug report as per this process. Thanks!

A bug report has been sent.


Any news on this?
Been having this problema on a OnePlus 5T. Since the update to Android 8.0

Thanks in advance.

Hello Everyone,
It seems that the problem exists also on Huawei P20 lite (Andorid 8.0.0). Someone tried with another Android version on Huawei P20 lite ?

Best regards