- 67
- 9
Nearby icon is not displayed in the notification bar when in proximity to Physical Web beacon
#866 opened by vkercan - 6
can't send nearby notification in another language?
#853 opened by kanodia - 2
'Nearby notifications' is built in most new Android. Will something similar ever be done for Ios?
#897 opened by kevindekemele - 8
Physical web and server requests
#871 opened by ajitam - 3
Physical URL showing on Nearby app but never creates a silent notification
#898 opened by diazdeteran - 13
Restricting showing notification to an user
#875 opened by aramkris - 34
Google PWS drops URL fragment
#852 opened by DKMudrechenko - 14
- 5
- 7
- 5
Android does not receive URLs from beacons
#895 opened by sstucchi - 2
Android app crashes on a mDNS entry
#893 opened by jonnor - 2
- 0
- 0
Nearby scanning event(s) clarification request
#891 opened by Armstrong30 - 2
- 9
Omnibox issues in Chrome for iOS 55
#878 opened by ferencbrachmann - 12
Android app doesn't detect BLE beacons if flags are included, but iOS app does (which is correct)
#870 opened by uday-agarwal - 0
Clean out jack warnings
#868 opened by cco3 - 0
- 3
Link is not shown - Reason: Result Filtered (Policy violations) - Why? What and where are the policies?
#876 opened by jeffprestes - 7
Can't Push Certain Pages to Physical Web Beacon
#873 opened by montelco - 7
Bug in Chrome for iOS widget with iOS 10
#865 opened by ferencbrachmann - 0
Custom PWS endpoint setting is confusing
#861 opened by cco3 - 2
Upgrade to sdk level 25
#867 opened by cco3 - 1
URLs come back after swiping away
#860 opened by cco3 - 2
Scan icon flashes on list rotate
#863 opened by cco3 - 1
New changes is physical web and nearby notifications?
#854 opened by kanodia - 3
Is the issue of nearby notifications resolved?
#855 opened by kanodia - 2
OnePlus3 needing to turn nearby of
#858 opened by ferencbrachmann - 3
Star surface area is too small
#862 opened by cco3 - 1
Crash on first startup
#856 opened by cco3 - 3
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- 12
How can rotate token on the beacon url ?
#851 opened by reno184 - 1
- 12
Beacon Notifications in the mobile version of Chrome
#850 opened by mcthedog - 5
Validator Inconsistencies: fetch failed
#845 opened by ferencbrachmann - 2
Changing URL of Nearby Notification dynamically
#847 opened by Hardztr - 11
- 1
App is crashing on IPhone6 Plus
#838 opened by NeerajPatel - 8
Configuring Physical Web tokens?
#826 opened by edent - 4
Chrome not responding to Eddystone URL
#837 opened by ian-4dit - 1
Nearby notifications not displaying
#839 opened by adamrenner - 2
Raspberry Pi/NodeJS Listening for Beacons
#843 opened by itsMattShull - 3
Why do we need GPS in scanning of physical web?
#833 opened by kanodia - 2
Same Urls with parameters (GET) : random display...
#827 opened by sbegh