
pprof on MacOS can't find dot?

rkube opened this issue · 3 comments

rkube commented

I've just installed pprof on MacOS 14.0 through go install . When I try to look
to look at a profiling data with the command below I get an error.

$ pprof -http=":" alloc-profile.pb.gz                             
Main binary filename not available.
Serving web UI on http://localhost:50980

Error: <stdin>: syntax error in line 36 scanning a quoted string (missing endquote? longer than 16384?)
String starting:"evalrule(::AdjointSensitivityIntegrand{ComponentVector{Float64, Vector{Float64},
Failed to execute dot. Is Graphviz installed?
exit status 1

I have graphviz installed through homebrew and the dot binary is available on my system:

$ which dot

When I request a dot output from pprof it works fine:

$ pprof -dot alloc-profile.pb.gz | head -n 2
Main binary filename not available.
digraph "unnamed" {
node [style=filled fillcolor="#f8f8f8"]

How can I get pprof output in my browser?

I think the first error is about dot failing to parse the file, not about dot not found.

I also think your second command doesn't run dot, it only generated a text dot file. Try "-svg".

@rkube Basically, I think most likely an invalid dot file was produced for this profile. Maybe lack of escaping of some weird character in the function name. Can you share the profile?

rkube commented

Thanks. I think it was a user error.