
Add option to convert Timestamp WKT to DateTime

Closed this issue · 4 comments

google.protobuf.Timestamp should be generated to Dart's DateTime, because if I use generated messages for saving objects to Firestore, it does not know how to convert it to a Firestore's timestamp object, and, obviously, it does not know how to query on it.

I would do it myself but I don't know why it must be changed.

You should be able to convert to a DateTime with .toDateTime():

A google.protobuf.Timestamp has nano-second resolution. DateTime has millisecond resolution - so they should not be converted automatically.

osa1 commented

Closing as this is not an issue with the library. Please feel free to reopen if you disagree.

You should be able to convert to a DateTime with .toDateTime():

A google.protobuf.Timestamp has nano-second resolution. DateTime has millisecond resolution - so they should not be converted automatically.

Yes, but when you do toProto3Json(), it will serialize Timestamp to ISO string, and If you want to send that to Firestore, it will treat it as an string, not as a firestore timestamp