
[protoc_plugin] Plugin output is unparseable

jonasbadstuebner opened this issue · 8 comments

protoc -I=lib/protos --dart_out="grpc:lib/protos" lib/protos/enums/mything.proto
gives me

--dart_out: protoc-gen-dart: Plugin output is unparseable: \020\001z\275\004\n\037enums/mything.pb.dartz\231\004//\n//  Generated code. Do not modify.\n [...]
libprotoc 25.3
Dart SDK version: 3.3.1 (stable) (Wed Mar 6 13:09:19 2024 +0000) on "linux_x64"

Installed protoc-gen-dart from 1822b81
(latest ref not working; tried with 21.1.2 from, did give me the same output.

Okay, it works with

Dart SDK version: 3.4.0-99.1.beta (beta) (Thu Feb 1 13:40:17 2024 -0800) on "linux_x64"