
This is very mundane -- how to install (and run bazel..).

rozim opened this issue · 4 comments

rozim commented

For the life of me I can't find any installation instructions nor by thrashing around can I figure out the right bazel invocation.

I'm guessing the instructions would be something like:

  1. install bazel
  2. git clone
  3. cd riegeli
  4. ./configure
  5. bazel build ???

I was able to get bazel build //riegeli/base:status to work, but bazel build //riegeli/... is unhappy:
`ERROR: /Users/dave/Projects/riegeli/riegeli/tensorflow/io/BUILD:27:11: no such package 'third_party/tensorflow/core/platform':
BUILD file not found in any of the following directories. Add a BUILD file to a directory to mark it as a package.

  • /Users/dave/Projects/riegeli/third_party/tensorflow/core/platform and referenced by '//riegeli/tensorflow/io:file_writer'`

I'm on a Macbook Air, the M1, and its tensorflow is a bit funky, which may be another issue
as I had to fix the output of ./configure since when you import tensorflow you get some
debug output:

 python -c "import tensorflow"
Init Plugin
Init Graph Optimizer
Init Kernel

My goal is to get a c++ and python library built.

Basic info:
uname -a: Darwin daves-air.lan 20.6.0 Darwin Kernel Version 20.6.0: Wed Jun 23 00:26:27 PDT 2021; root:xnu-7195.141.2~5/RELEASE_ARM64_T81
01 arm64

Python 3.9.4

TF: 2.5.0


I think the two build commands are:

bazel build python/riegeli:riegeli

bazel build riegeli/records:all

but the C++ build seems to be failing at the moment.

All known build failures are fixed now. If it still does not build, please show error messages.

Currently working (as of 2023-04-15) on Linux is something like the following:

 mkdir -p ~/src/riegeli_demo
 cd !$
 python -m venv venv
 . ./venv/bin/activate
 # or for M1 macs, tensorflow-macos==v2.11.1, but I can't test this right now
 python -m pip install tensorflow==v2.11.1
 mkdir third_party
 cd third_party/
 git clone
 cd riegeli/
 # Bazel's cache is directory-based, and may retain old generated buildrules
 # If you've previously tried compiling against tf>=v2.12, currently broken, do this
 bazel clean --expunge
 bazel build //python:build_pip_package
 # NOTE: Currently broken for `bazel run //${THIS_TARGET} -- ${FLAGS}`
 python/ --bdist --dest $(realpath ~/src/riegeli_demo/riegeli)
 cd ~/src/riegeli_demo/
 python -m pip install riegeli/riegeli-*
 # This should run without errors
 python -c 'import riegeli'