
Has this been abandoned?

clehene opened this issue · 10 comments

Please update status, and let anyone bumping into this know whether it's in maintenance mode.

oferb commented

Hey @clehene!
I was the project lead for this effort, and have since left Google.
I don't know what the current status of the project it, but, my guess is that it's not worked on.

@oferb thank you!
That's unfortunate. Good luck on your new projects!

oferb commented


It would be awesome if we could maybe have a fork of this that we updated, since I think it's an awesome example.

oferb commented

Go for it!

Forked to

What’s the plan, @zoidbergwill? Will you start maintaining it?

Forked to

What’s the plan, @zoidbergwill? Will you start maintaining it?

Yeah, hopefully add a few other people keen to contribute and then we maintain it?

oferb commented

May the Fork be with you!


Added you as a contributor, @oferb.