Doesn't have a real Python interpreter
Closed this issue · 3 comments
arguiot commented
It doesn't support built-in libraries, such as re
for regex, etc... So you can't fully use Python as you should do.
seanlip commented
Hi @arguiot, TIE uses a third-party library called Skulpt for browser emulation of Python. You're right that it does not support all the standard Python libraries, but I've just tested the current version and it does support re
Would you mind pasting the snippet of code that does not work, so that we can investigate further? Thank you in advance.
arguiot commented
@seanlip I had trouble with:
import re
def reverseWords(s):
words = s.split()
array = []
for i in words:
arr = list(i)
p = re.compile("^[\sa-zA-Z0-9ÀÂÇÈÉÊËÎÔÙÛàâçèéêëîôöùû\.\(\)\[\]\"\'\-,;:\/!\?]+$") # regex found online
if p.match(arr[-1]):
buff = arr[-1]
del arr[-1]
array.append("".join(reversed(arr)) + buff)
return " ".join(array)
On the first exercise.