Tink is a multi-language, cross-platform, open source library that provides cryptographic APIs that are secure, easy to use correctly, and hard(er) to misuse.
- apsanzMiami, FL
- beutedCriteo
- bozhuCalifornia
- bzz@jetbrains, @apache
- cristiantmBrasil
- danoctavianYieldNest
- denjiKyiv, UA
- devinlundberg
- dguidoTrail of Bits
- ducphanduyagentpBehind you
- FiloSottileRome, Italy
- iPaulProBrookyln, NY
- jcopenhaSeattle, WA
- jens-ox@QuantCo
- jiripospisilsensible.io
- LegrandinEurope
- llazzaro:+1:
- madvagabond
- marksamman@Esplay-com
- marksteward
- matiasinsaurraldeParaguay
- Moredread
- odeke-em@orijtech
- pedrokiefer
- pgburtNew York, NY
- R-K-H
- remyersEU
- rjametGrenoble, France
- russell-lewisNetflix, Inc.
- syndrowmOffensive Context
- tam7t@google
- thaidn
- utzigBrazil
- vuonghvTDT
- xoebusSan Francisco, CA
- z4vi