
Is the GRU really needed to predict mu_t ?

hbredin opened this issue · 7 comments

I spent some time trying to figure out what the GRU really does.
My understanding is that it is used to estimate the running mean (mu_t in the paper) of each cluster.

I can see the benefit of a RNN for this (it can learn to not take some noisy samples into account) but I am wondering whether you had the chance to compare to an actual running mean.

@AnzCol Hi Aonan, what are your thoughts here?

@AnzCol I think what @hbredin means is - what if we simply define m_t=x_t, will it still work? Did we have such experiments (my impression is no)?

Personally I don't think it's going to work well.

My understanding is that (@AnzCol please correct me if I'm wrong), the training process forces m_t for each speaker to better fall into a normal distribution. But this is not guaranteed in the distributions of x_t. The power of GRU here is that, to transform the distributions of speaker embeddings into a more clusterable distribution, by learning from the training dataset.

@hbredin Does this explanation make sense to you?

@AnzCol I think what @hbredin means is - what if we simply define m_t=x_t, will it still work? Did we have such experiments (my impression is no)?

This is what I meant, indeed.

My understanding is that (@AnzCol please correct me if I'm wrong), the training process forces m_t for each speaker to better fall into a normal distribution. But this is not guaranteed in the distributions of x_t. The power of GRU here is that, to transform the distributions of speaker embeddings into a more clusterable distribution, by learning from the training dataset.

Except you are still using raw x_t in Equation 11, so the distribution of speaker embeddings is not changed. Or did I miss something?

@hbredin Does this explanation make sense to you?

Not quite sure -- I think I have to think a bit more about this...
I would really like to see an ablative study with m_t = x_t :-)

zan12 commented

@hbredin Not sure whether this example makes sense: consider two clusters, their distributions of x_t largely overlap with each other, but their distributions of m_t are better separated. Eq. 11 regularizes that m_t should not disjoint too much from x_t.

Closing as I got the answers I was looking for :-)
Thanks @AnzCol and @wq2012 !