Is it thread safe to read\write a global integer variable during v7 UUID creation ?
illia-imperva opened this issue · 5 comments
Is it thread safe to read\write the global integer variable lastV7time during v7 UUID creation ?
The lastV7time
// lastV7time is the last time we returned stored as:
// 52 bits of time in milliseconds since epoch
// 12 bits of (fractional nanoseconds) >> 8
var lastV7time int64
const nanoPerMilli = 1000000
// getV7Time returns the time in milliseconds and nanoseconds / 256.
// The returned (milli << 12 + seq) is guaranteed to be greater than
// (milli << 12 + seq) returned by any previous call to getV7Time.
func getV7Time() (milli, seq int64) {
defer timeMu.Unlock()
nano := timeNow().UnixNano()
milli = nano / nanoPerMilli
// Sequence number is between 0 and 3906 (nanoPerMilli>>8)
seq = (nano - milli*nanoPerMilli) >> 8
now := milli<<12 + seq
if now <= lastV7time {
now = lastV7time + 1
milli = now >> 12
seq = now & 0xfff
lastV7time = now
return milli, seq
I think it has to be changed to atomic int64 at least...
it has mutex, it's safe, there is no multiple-goroutine read and write on lastV7time
Lines 88 to 90 in 0e97ed3
That's good, but it does not solve what the global variable and mutex are supposed to solve. Due to any modern Operational System preemptive scheduling the function might run into case when 1st thread exits mutex before returning value to client code while 2nd thread executes the function and returns next value to client code, after that 1st thread continues and returns value with timestamp lower than already returned value
That's good, but it does not solve what the global variable and mutex are supposed to solve. Due to any modern Operational System preemptive scheduling the function might run into case when 1st thread exits mutex before returning value to client code while 2nd thread executes the function and returns next value to client code, after that 1st thread continues and returns value with timestamp lower than already returned value
that would be a bug of go compiler, right?