
Bug Report: Error while calling importJsonWebKey

Closed this issue · 7 comments


When calling the function EcdhPrivateKey.importJsonWebKey with a specific private key JWK object, the following error occurs:
FormatException: JWK property "y" should hold 32 bytes

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Use the following input
String privateKeyHex: "03ecc060e7fc29863166f3fa6a490be9236304fca0b2d0bb5402cfd9cba1d100";
Map<String, String> privateKeyJWK = {
     "kty": "EC",
     "crv": "P-256",
     "d": "A-zAYOf8KYYxZvP6akkL6SNjBPygstC7VALP2cuh0QA="

  1. Call the function EcdhPrivateKey.importJsonWebKey(privateKeyJWK, EllipticCurve.p256);

Expected Behavior

The function EcdhPrivateKey.importJsonWebKey should import the private key JWK object without errors.

Actual Behavior

The function EcdhPrivateKey.importJsonWebKey throws a FormatException with the message "JWK property "y" should hold 32 bytes".

Additional Context

  • y is only 31 bytes but paramSize is 32 bytes (line 169 in impl_ffi.ec_common.dart)
  • When i delete line 176 in impl_ffi.ec_common.dart it works normally
// Delete this line
        bytes.length == paramSize,
        message: 'JWK property "$prop" should hold $paramSize bytes',


  • webcrypto: ^0.5.3
  • flutter doctor -v
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What happens if you do this in a various browsers?

  'jwk', {
    "kty": "EC",
    "crv": "P-256",
    "x": "h0rbX_vxGVgx-u-ITxnydyy7W9VNGFITcqltL7hDa5A=",
    "y": "iQdcRQ8aghMIKnnE1RZEzrfag4c2PHBq8kVea6tK6w==",
    "d": "A-zAYOf8KYYxZvP6akkL6SNjBPygstC7VALP2cuh0QA="
  }, {
    "name": "ECDH",
     "namedCurve": "P-256"
  }, true, ['deriveKey']
  k => console.log(k)
  err => console.log(err)

Fails for me on both Chrome and Firefox.

This indicates to me that the JWK might be malformed or incorrectly formatted.

BASE64URL(OCTETS) denotes the base64url encoding of OCTETS, per
Section 2 of [JWS].


Base64url Encoding
Base64 encoding using the URL- and filename-safe character set
defined in Section 5 of RFC 4648 [RFC4648], with all trailing '='
characters omitted (as permitted by Section 3.2) and without the
inclusion of any line breaks, whitespace, or other additional
characters. Note that the base64url encoding of the empty octet
sequence is the empty string. (See Appendix C for notes on
implementing base64url encoding without padding.)


Is there any reason to think this is a valid JWK? What other libraries that understand JWKs will accept this JWK?

What happens if you do this in a various browsers?

  'jwk', {
    "kty": "EC",
    "crv": "P-256",
    "x": "h0rbX_vxGVgx-u-ITxnydyy7W9VNGFITcqltL7hDa5A=",
    "y": "iQdcRQ8aghMIKnnE1RZEzrfag4c2PHBq8kVea6tK6w==",
    "d": "A-zAYOf8KYYxZvP6akkL6SNjBPygstC7VALP2cuh0QA="
  }, {
    "name": "ECDH",
     "namedCurve": "P-256"
  }, true, ['deriveKey']
  k => console.log(k)
  err => console.log(err)

Fails for me on both Chrome and Firefox.

This indicates to me that the JWK might be malformed or incorrectly formatted.

I also fail on Chrome with error DOMException: The JWK member "x" could not be base64url decoded or contained padding. If remove = in x, y, d it's will show DOMException: The JWK's "y" member defines an octet string of length 31 bytes but should be 32.
But when i run it on node js with library packages below it works fine.

Here is my example project:
Logs of example:

===========Import key by old @peculiar/webcrypto=============
jwk: {"kty":"EC","crv":"P-256","x":"h0rbX_vxGVgx-u-ITxnydyy7W9VNGFITcqltL7hDa5A","y":"iQdcRQ8aghMIKnnE1RZEzrfag4c2PHBq8kVea6tK6w","d":"A-zAYOf8KYYxZvP6akkL6SNjBPygstC7VALP2cuh0QA"}
privateKey:[object CryptoKey]
===========Import key by old webcrypto=============
jwk: {"kty":"EC","crv":"P-256","x":"h0rbX_vxGVgx-u-ITxnydyy7W9VNGFITcqltL7hDa5A","y":"iQdcRQ8aghMIKnnE1RZEzrfag4c2PHBq8kVea6tK6w","d":"A-zAYOf8KYYxZvP6akkL6SNjBPygstC7VALP2cuh0QA"}
privateKey:[object Object]

maybe the old libraries don't check the format of the x and y points, but it can still do deriveKey and encrypt/decrypt (AES-GCM) 🤔🤔

I don't find it hard to believe that there are other libraries out there that'll accept JWKs that are somewhat malformed.

I'm guessing that you could simply remove the padding and possibly prepend the y member with zeros. But the fact that the y member has the wrong length, should probably be a warning flag -- maybe there is something wrong with the key.

In any case, unless we can somehow reasonably say that the input is a valid JWK and would be accepted by most other webcrypto implementations, then I suggest we close this issue.

I can confirm that after padLeft zero with length 32 of y it works fine.
Code Example:

import 'package:webcrypto/webcrypto.dart';
import 'package:elliptic/elliptic.dart' as elliptic;

  Map<String, String> convertPrivateKeyHexToJWK(String privateKeyHex) {
    final privateKeyEC = convertPrivateKeyHexToEC(privateKeyHex);
    final encodedX = encodeBigInt(privateKeyEC.publicKey.X);
    final encodedXPadLeft = padLeft(encodedX, 32, 0);
    final encodedY = encodeBigInt(privateKeyEC.publicKey.Y);
    final encodedYPadLeft = padLeft(encodedY, 32, 0);
    final encodedD = encodeBigInt(privateKeyEC.D);
    final encodedDPadLeft = padLeft(encodedD, 32, 0);
    final privateKeyJWK = {
      'kty': 'EC',
      'crv': 'P-256',
      'x': base64UrlEncode(encodedXPadLeft),
      'y': base64UrlEncode(encodedYPadLeft),
      'd': base64UrlEncode(encodedDPadLeft)
    return privateKeyJWK;
  elliptic.PrivateKey convertPrivateKeyHexToEC(String privateKeyHex) =>
      elliptic.PrivateKey.fromHex(elliptic.getP256(), privateKeyHex);
  Uint8List encodeBigInt(BigInt number) {
    final _byteMask = BigInt.from(0xff);
    final size = (number.bitLength + 7) >> 3;
    final result = new Uint8List(size);
    for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
      result[size - i - 1] = (number & _byteMask).toInt();
      number = number >> 8;
    return result;
  Uint8List padLeft(
      Uint8List input, int desiredLength, int paddingValue) {
    if (input.length >= desiredLength) {
      return input;
    } else {
      var padding = Uint8List(desiredLength - input.length);
      padding.fillRange(0, padding.length, paddingValue);
      return Uint8List.fromList([...padding, ...input]);