
Perf: Log too large, reported by LogDNA

xinbenlv opened this issue · 0 comments

Hello there!

Looks like you've now used 80% of your 2.64GB of LogDNA data volume. Your monthly cycle ends on Saturday, August 22nd and a new monthly cycle will begin the following day. For this monthly cycle, we estimate your usage will be 10.69GB.

If you go over 100% of your LogDNA volume for more than 72 hours, we will stop processing new logs. We won't charge you for temporary overages, nor will we delete any existing logged data, but if you're not sure whether you'll exceed your data volume, we recommend upgrading your plan, so you no longer have to worry. You can always reach out to us by replying to this email, if you have concerns.

Happy logging,
Your friends at LogDNA