
IsFault: True, FaultMessage: Combined audience ID is invalid

Light-jason opened this issue · 1 comments

when I use the google example about adding custom audiences for an asset_group as following:

googleads_service = self.client.get_service("GoogleAdsService")
asset_group_resource_name = googleads_service.asset_group_path(
    customer_id, self._ASSET_GROUP_TEMPORARY_ID
operations = []
mutate_operation = self.client.get_type("MutateOperation")
operation = mutate_operation.asset_group_signal_operation.create
operation.asset_group = asset_group_resource_name
operation.audience.audience = googleads_service.audience_path(
    customer_id, audience_id

Then it returned that "Combined audience ID is invalid", how can fix this error?

@Light-jason Can you share the exact error message and (if available) stack trace you're getting?