
collapsible Banner ads support

vagadiyainfotech opened this issue · 2 comments

Step 0: Are you in the right place?

  • For general technical questions, or help with project-specific issues like setting up ads in
    your app, reach out to our support team on the
    Developer Forum.

  • For assistance with your AdMob account, reach out to
    AdMob Support.

  • For feedback on our documentation,
    send your feedback by pressing the Send Feedback button at the top right of the
    documentation page you are on.

  • For issues related to the code in this repository, continue filing this GitHub issue.

  • Once you've read this section and determined that your issue is appropriate for
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[REQUIRED] Step 1: Describe your environment

Plugin Version

[REQUIRED] Step 2: Describe the problem

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Run flutter create bug.
  2. Update the files as follows: ...
  3. ...

Expected results:

Actual results:


In Android collapsible banner is available but from google it's under beta. Can we provide support in Flutter as well

Hey @vagadiyainfotech, this is a duplicate of #941 - at this time there is no direct suport in Flutter. You can follow the original issue for updates