
Native Ad Load crashes when using FlutterFragmentActivity

danijorda1 opened this issue · 2 comments

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  • For assistance with your AdMob account, reach out to
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[REQUIRED] Step 1: Describe your environment

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[REQUIRED] Step 2: Describe the problem

Native Ad Load crashes when using FlutterFragmentActivity in MainActivity.kt

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Create a project
  2. Add google_mobile_ads
  3. Modify MainActivity.kt (or .java) and change the default class to:
    class MainActivity: FlutterFragmentActivity() {
  4. try to load a test Native add in the flutter main activity:
    nativeAd = NativeAd(
    adUnitId: 'ca-app-pub-3940256099942544/2247696110',
    listener: NativeAdListener(), request: AdRequest(),
    nativeTemplateStyle: NativeTemplateStyle(templateType:TemplateType.medium)
  5. Run application.
  1. Run flutter create bug.
  2. Update the files as follows: ...
  3. ...

Expected results:
Native add is loaded. No further issues.
Actual results:
E/AndroidRuntime( 579): Process: XXXXX, PID: 579
E/AndroidRuntime( 579): android.view.InflateException: Binary XML file line #7 in es.lotofintech.winr:layout/medium_template_view_layout: Binary XML file line #7 in es.lotofintech.winr:layout/medium_template_view_layout: Error inflating class
E/AndroidRuntime( 579): Caused by: android.view.InflateException: Binary XML file line #7 in es.lotofintech.winr:layout/medium_template_view_layout: Error inflating class
E/AndroidRuntime( 579): Caused by: java.lang.IllegalStateException: LifecycleOwner es.lotofintech.winr.MainActivity@72e1f36 is attempting to register while current state is RESUMED. LifecycleOwners must call register before they are STARTED.
E/AndroidRuntime( 579): at androidx.activity.result.ActivityResultRegistry.register(ActivityResultRegistry.kt:93)
E/AndroidRuntime( 579): at androidx.activity.ComponentActivity.registerForActivityResult(ComponentActivity.kt:828)
E/AndroidRuntime( 579): at androidx.activity.ComponentActivity.registerForActivityResult(ComponentActivity.kt:837)
E/AndroidRuntime( 579): at es.lotofintech.winr.MainActivity.getStartForResult(MainActivity.kt:227)
E/AndroidRuntime( 579): at es.lotofintech.winr.MainActivity.onCreateView(MainActivity.kt:261)


Hi @danijorda1 can you provide a minimum reproducible sample of the crash you are experiencing for us to take a closer look?


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