
I've tried every way but can't add an out-of-page size to the lineitem

quangduc505104 opened this issue · 4 comments

I need to push a lineitem up to DFP by API-PHP v202308. The lineitem has many sizes, including both regular and out-of-page sizes. I have tried every way to read every instruction, but I still do not know how to push the out-of-page size up to DFP. Please help me, my code is as follows:

            $creativePlaceholder = new CreativePlaceholder();
            $creativePlaceholder->setSize(new Size(-1, -1, true));
            $creativePlaceholders[] = $creativePlaceholder;

             $creativePlaceholder = new CreativePlaceholder();
             $creativePlaceholder->setSize(new Size(300, 250, false));
             $creativePlaceholders[] = $creativePlaceholder;


I did the following: I used CreativePlaceholder with out-of-page size I used size -1 x -1 and the parameter behind is true

With regular size I used size 300 x 250 with the parameter behind is false however the error message returned to me is: [ERROR PROCESS CREATE OR UPDATE LINEITEM] Code: 0 - Message: [LineItemError.INVALID_SIZE_FOR_PLATFORM

Where did I go wrong? Please help me

Since this is a product question, the Ad Manager API forum is the better place to ask:

Sharing full SOAP logs there would help identify the issue, but if I had to guess without complete logs, your OOP placeholder should be a 1x1 pixel size (not aspect ratio) and you should set creativeSizeType to INTERSTITIAL.

thanks christopherseeley for all your help with the function. Your advice was spot-on and I was able to get it working perfectly.
$creativePlaceholders = [];

            $creativePlaceholder = new CreativePlaceholder();
            $creativePlaceholder->setSize(new Size(1, 1, false));
            $creativePlaceholders[] = $creativePlaceholder;

             $creativePlaceholder = new CreativePlaceholder();
             $creativePlaceholder->setSize(new Size(300, 250, false));
             $creativePlaceholders[] = $creativePlaceholder;

The code is correct as it is. I want to share it so that others who encounter the same issue will know how to fix it. Thank you again.

I was able to process the lineitem, but when creating the creative I followed the size instructions as in the following API documentation:
The documentation states that the size for out-of-page must be 1x1, I followed this but the code reports an error:
ERROR PROCESS CREATE CREATIVE] Code: 0 - Message: [RequiredSizeError.NOT_ALLOWED @ [0].size; trigger:'1x1-null']

Can you help me with this case?

My processing code:

$customCreative = new CustomCreative();
$size = new Size();

Thankiu so much

This is a general API question, not specific to the PHP library. Can you please post on the API forum with full SOAP request logs? They'll be better able to help you:

The issue tracker is for library issues. Thanks!