
Binary Target Inaccessible: 404 Bad Request

jfk056 opened this issue · 9 comments

jfk056 commented

Since the morning we are experiencing the issue to access the binary target which is returning 404.

Screenshot 2023-10-05 at 09 51 17

Screenshot 2023-10-05 at 09 49 57

houmie commented

Same issue. Can't be resolved:

Showing All Issues
failed downloading '' which is required by binary target 'GoogleMobileAds': badResponseStatusCode(404)

Sama. Going to the URL via browser confirms error 404 as well. Using range of versions setting in SPM with 10.0.0 < 10.12.0 as a workaround until this is fixed.

houmie commented

Yes, I used 10.11.0 and it worked as a workaround.


HI all,

Thanks for flagging. Please try again, the issue should no longer be 404ing.