unusal goings on/ senario with vidojs-ima and ima sdk maybe
spormeon opened this issue · 11 comments
Hi I think I have found a weird senario/ going on. on 24th April there was a GAM issue causing "The affected users are able to access Google Ads, but are seeing error messages, high latency, and/or other unexpected behavior." this was causing my player to not load and giving a "small black box". I think this was because the sdk "couldnt work" due to the GAm issu and ima sdk. Does this videojs-ima have any sort of "graceful fallover" for this sort of senario, so rather than "hanging" it timeouts/ skips etc, if something in the background ima sdk wise is going on?
no errors , nothing but i believe the sdk is hanging it, as there is no sign of the ima sdk iframe in console "warning" that is always there on load. Its almost as if its say "there is an ad, but something gone bang in background, cant go any further"
gam issue, if you have ability to dig into that more in background?
I have a feeling, that your case similar with our case in several months ago. It happens when VPAID make a lot of hops from one point into the last one.
Maybe you can set numRedirects in videojs-ima configuration value from 4 as a default into bigger number just like 10 or 12.
@dioramayuanito thanks for the pointer but already got set at 15
Hello @spormeon ,
Thank you for sharing this issue. Would it be possible to share steps to reproduce the bug? From there I can work on steps to have the player resume content playback.
Thank you,
IMA SDK team
its on the test page i sent you on email the other day
it is, i think this one is doing the same , not allowing the box toload, the one in 1091 is onplayervolume chnage, i think they are 2 different issues
its random, when it happnens, which makes me think its related to gam issue maybe, as that in and out as well
oh and i've had a brightcove engineer look at it and he cant see anything wrong with the videojs side of things
Hello @spormeon ,
Based on your previous comment, is the black screen issue resolved?
Thank you,
IMA SDK team
its alot better now, more a 8/10 now