@google-cloud/profiler Failed to initialize SourceMapper
patrickmdixon opened this issue · 4 comments
Environment details
- OS: linux-alpine
- Node.js version: 12.22.1
- npm version: 6.13.7
We've recently installed Profiler in one of our services, and are getting the following error on process startup:
@google-cloud/profiler Failed to initialize SourceMapper. Source map support has been disabled: Error: An error occurred while processing the source map filesError: An error occurred while reading the sourceMap file /opt/tempus/code/dist/orderhub-shared-tests/ihc-stain.spec.js.map: Error: You must provide the URL of lib/mappings.wasm by calling SourceMapConsumer.initialize({ 'lib/mappings.wasm': ... }) before using SourceMapConsumer
What do we need to do to resolve this source mapping error?
Sorry for the delay. I've finally been able to prioritize this and just wanted to let you know that I'm looking into this now.
Weird. This error should only be happening in a browser, and not node js.
Can you tell us more about the service, e.g. what package.json looks like?
I will give this a couple more days, then close this as non-reproducible. If you can provide us more information to reproduce the problem, I can look further into it.
Closing this as not reproducible.