
Insert table request is not able to copy already created table and paste it in another doc

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`requests = [
insert_table: {
table: table, (Its not working, is it the right syntax?)
end_of_segment_location: {
segment_id: ''

Execute the batch update request

batch_update_request =
requests: requests

response = docs_service.batch_update_document(doc_id, batch_update_request)

requests = [
insert_table: {
table: table,
end_of_segment_location: {
segment_id: ''

request =
insert_table: {
rows: 3, # Number of rows in the table
columns: 4, # Number of columns in the table
end_of_segment_location: {
segment_id: "" # Segment ID if applicable

I tried the above code as well but instead of copying the existing table, it creates a new one with broader width and no data present`