
batch_update_spreadsheet with update_cells request not working

patmesideways opened this issue · 2 comments

I'm experiencing the issue where the update_cells request does not seem to be creating the pivot table in the request body below when trying to do batch_update_spreadsheet. The response from is just a BatchUpdateSpreadSheetResponse with one reply but the reply seems to be empty.

I've tried other update_cells requests and the changes don't reflect on the sheet as well. Is there anything that I'm missing?

I've verified that requests like add_sheet with batch_update_spreadsheet works fine.

Environment details

  • Ruby version: 2.7.4

Code example

spreadsheet = {
  properties: {
    title: 'Example'
spreadsheet = service.create_spreadsheet(spreadsheet,
                                         fields: 'spreadsheetId')
spreadsheet_id = spreadsheet.spreadsheet_id
add_sheets_body = { requests: [{ add_sheet: { properties: { title: 'sheet1' } } }, { add_sheet: { properties: { title: 'sheet2'}}}]}
result = service.batch_update_spreadsheet(spreadsheet_id, add_sheets_body, {})

# These two sheets get created no problem
source_sheet_id = result.replies[0]
target_sheet_id = result.replies[1]

rows ='data.csv').to_a
values = rows.reduce([]) do |list, row|
    list << row
range_name = "'sheet1'!A1:H#{rows.count}"

# The following commands get updated with no issues
value_range_object = range_name, values: values)
                                                           value_input_option: 'USER_ENTERED')

pivot_table_request = [
    update_cells: {
      rows: {
        values: [
            pivot_table: {
              source: {
                sheet_id: source_sheet_id,
                start_row_index: 0,
                start_column_index: 0,
                end_row_index: 1118,
                end_column_index: 8
              rows: [
                  source_column_offset: 0,
                  show_totals: false
                  source_column_offset: 1,
                  show_totals: false
              values: [
                  summarize_function: 'SUM',
                  source_column_offset: 2
                  summarize_function: 'SUM',
                  source_column_offset: 3
                  summarize_function: 'SUM',
                  source_column_offset: 4
                  summarize_function: 'AVG',
                  source_column_offset: 5
                  summarize_function: 'SUM',
                  source_column_offset: 6
                  summarize_function: 'SUM',
                  source_column_offset: 7
              value_layout: 'HORIZONTAL'
      start: {
        sheet_id: target_sheet_id,
        row_index: 10,
        column_index: 0
      fields: 'pivotTable'
pivot_table_body = { requests: pivot_table_request }
result = service.batch_update_spreadsheet(spreadsheet_id, pivot_table_body, {})