
Upgrade builds to Fedora:31

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Fedora:31 was released on 2019-10-28, that means we have about 6 months before the version we are currently using (Fedora:30) goes EOL. We need to:

  • Change the templates in google-cloud-cpp-common/ci/templates

  • Update the generated files in google-cloud-cpp-common/ci/kokoro/{install,readme}

  • Update the generated files in google-cloud-cpp/ci/kokoro/{install,readme}

  • Update the generated files in google-cloud-cpp-spanner/ci/kokoro/{install,readme}

  • Update the manually maintained files in cpp-cmakefiles (many use this opportunity to switch to automatically generating these files?)

  • Change the manually maintained files in google-cloud-cpp-commmon/ci/kokoro/docker

  • Change the manually maintained files in google-cloud-cpp/ci/kokoro/docker

  • Change the manually maintained files in google-cloud-cpp-spanner/ci/kokoro/docker