
promote library to GA

bcoe opened this issue · 2 comments

bcoe commented

Package name: FIXME
Current release: beta
Proposed release: GA


Check the lists below, adding tests / documentation as required. Once all the "required" boxes are ticked, please create a release and close this issue.


  • 28 days elapsed since last beta release with new API surface
  • Server API is GA
  • Package API is stable, and we can commit to backward compatibility
  • All dependencies are GA


  • Most common / important scenarios have descriptive samples
  • Public manual methods have at least one usage sample each (excluding overloads)
  • Per-API README includes a full description of the API
  • Per-API README contains at least one “getting started” sample using the most common API scenario
  • Manual code has been reviewed by API producer
  • Manual code has been reviewed by a DPE responsible for samples
  • 'Client Libraries' page is added to the product documentation in 'APIs & Reference' section of the product's documentation on Cloud Site

Can we make this v1. We are launching another product as part of this library (GA since 2020) would be nice to have it as GA

bcoe commented

Yes, the only reason for the delay is that we're about to drop Node 10, which also requires a breaking change. So we would like to combine the two.

This will go GA within the next few weeks as we upgrade to Node 12. Is that timeline okay?