
Missing `types` in `package.json`

marcushultman opened this issue · 3 comments

Environment details

  • OS: N/A
  • Node.js version: N/A
  • npm version: N/A
  • @google-cloud/vision version: 2.4.1

Steps to reproduce

  1. Inspect package.json


The package contains build/src/index.d.ts next to the main entrypoint (build/src/index.js). While some TypeScript environments can interpret this correctly without a types/typings-field in the `package.json, the TypeScript Handbook says it's "advisable to do so".

@marcushultman i'm not seeing index.d.ts in our repo, can you point me to this file .

@galz10 It should be generated in the build/ directory after running compile.

Fixing #977