
tests.system.gapic.v1beta1.test_system_tables_client_v1.TestSystemTablesClient: test_create_delete_model failed

flaky-bot opened this issue · 4 comments

Note: #271 was also for this test, but it was closed more than 10 days ago. So, I didn't mark it flaky.

commit: a98d9ad
buildURL: Build Status, Sponge
status: failed

Test output
self = 
def test_create_delete_model(self):
    client = automl_v1beta1.TablesClient(project=PROJECT, region=REGION)
    dataset = self.ensure_dataset_ready(client)
    client.set_target_column(dataset=dataset, column_spec_display_name="Deposit")
    display_name = _id("t_cr_dl")
    op = client.create_model(
        display_name, dataset=dataset, train_budget_milli_node_hours=1000


self = <test_system_tables_client_v1.TestSystemTablesClient object at 0x7f3939389970>
op = <google.api_core.operation.Operation object at 0x7f3938233e20>

def cancel_and_wait(self, op):
    start = time.time()
    sleep_time = 1
    while time.time() - start < MAX_WAIT_TIME_SECONDS:
        if op.cancelled():
        sleep_time = min(sleep_time * 2, MAX_SLEEP_TIME_SECONDS)
  assert op.cancelled()

E assert False
E + where False = <bound method Operation.cancelled of <google.api_core.operation.Operation object at 0x7f3938233e20>>()
E + where <bound method Operation.cancelled of <google.api_core.operation.Operation object at 0x7f3938233e20>> = <google.api_core.operation.Operation object at 0x7f3938233e20>.cancelled

tests/system/gapic/v1beta1/ AssertionError

Looks like this issue is flaky. 😟

I'm going to leave this open and stop commenting.

A human should fix and close this.

When run at the same commit (a98d9ad), this test passed in one build (Build Status, Sponge) and failed in another build (Build Status, Sponge).

No reoccurrences for over a month. Closing and will investigate if we see this behavior again.

Oops! Looks like this issue is still flaky. It failed again. 😬

I reopened the issue, but a human will need to close it again.

commit: 0600449
buildURL: Build Status, Sponge
status: failed

Test output
self = 
def test_create_delete_model(self):
    client = automl_v1beta1.TablesClient(project=PROJECT, region=REGION)
    dataset = self.ensure_dataset_ready(client)
    client.set_target_column(dataset=dataset, column_spec_display_name="Deposit")
    display_name = _id("t_cr_dl")
    op = client.create_model(
        display_name, dataset=dataset, train_budget_milli_node_hours=1000


self = <test_system_tables_client_v1.TestSystemTablesClient object at 0x7fdbb8695be0>
op = <google.api_core.operation.Operation object at 0x7fdbb8683fd0>

def cancel_and_wait(self, op):
    start = time.time()
    sleep_time = 1
    while time.time() - start < MAX_WAIT_TIME_SECONDS:
        if op.cancelled():
        sleep_time = min(sleep_time * 2, MAX_SLEEP_TIME_SECONDS)
  assert op.cancelled()

E assert False
E + where False = <bound method Operation.cancelled of <google.api_core.operation.Operation object at 0x7fdbb8683fd0>>()
E + where <bound method Operation.cancelled of <google.api_core.operation.Operation object at 0x7fdbb8683fd0>> = <google.api_core.operation.Operation object at 0x7fdbb8683fd0>.cancelled

tests/system/gapic/v1beta1/ AssertionError

Intermittent service issue. Closing.