
tests.system.gapic.v1beta1.test_system_tables_client_v1.TestSystemTablesClient: test_set_weight_and_target_column failed

flaky-bot opened this issue · 3 comments

Note: #311 was also for this test, but it was closed more than 10 days ago. So, I didn't mark it flaky.

commit: 8d78492
buildURL: Build Status, Sponge
status: failed

Test output
self = 
def test_set_weight_and_target_column(self):
    client = automl_v1beta1.TablesClient(project=PROJECT, region=REGION)
    dataset = self.ensure_dataset_ready(client)
    client.set_weight_column(dataset=dataset, column_spec_display_name="Day")
    client.set_target_column(dataset=dataset, column_spec_display_name="Campaign")
    columns = {c.display_name: c for c in client.list_column_specs(dataset=dataset)}
    dataset = client.get_dataset(
    metadata = dataset.tables_dataset_metadata
  assert columns["Day"].name.endswith(

E assert False
E + where False = <built-in method endswith of str object at 0x7f50e09dfb70>('/1767935532626608128')
E + where <built-in method endswith of str object at 0x7f50e09dfb70> = 'projects/1065521786570/locations/us-central1/datasets/TBL6211369883725201408/tableSpecs/3647440709146902528/columnSpecs/6379621551053996032'.endswith
E + where 'projects/1065521786570/locations/us-central1/datasets/TBL6211369883725201408/tableSpecs/3647440709146902528/columnSpecs/6379621551053996032' = name: "projects/1065521786570/locations/us-central1/datasets/TBL6211369883725201408/tableSpecs/3647440709146902528/col...84\n }\n }\n valid_value_count: 45211\n}\netag: "AB3BwFqaikBKG5jHrca7QjQPwxqYhv3n2VO5eoKtlCuOwovaGj0a_fMzhHAvX6xooKE="\
E + and '/1767935532626608128' = <built-in method format of str object at 0x7f50f1b94330>('1767935532626608128')
E + where <built-in method format of str object at 0x7f50f1b94330> = '/{}'.format
E + and '1767935532626608128' = primary_table_spec_id: "3647440709146902528"\ntarget_column_spec_id: "615014028019761152"\nweight_column_spec_id: "17679...984"\n value {\n cramers_v: 0.04501227044410678\n }\n}\nstats_update_time {\n seconds: 1646519337\n nanos: 175946000\n}\n.weight_column_spec_id

tests/system/gapic/v1beta1/ AssertionError

Looks like this issue is flaky. 😟

I'm going to leave this open and stop commenting.

A human should fix and close this.

When run at the same commit (8d78492), this test passed in one build (Build Status, Sponge) and failed in another build (Build Status, Sponge).

It seems like the tests test_import_pandas_dataframe and test_create_delete_model need to be changed since they have been flaky for a while. A closed PR I was previously working on and another PR that opened recently both still have the flaky issue where the tests are timing out and not being cancelled in time.

As for the test test_set_weight_and_target_column, it's locally passing for me. In the error log, for some reason, the test uses a different project and dataset (projects/1065521786570/locations/us-central1/datasets/TBL6211369883725201408/tableSpecs/3647440709146902528/columnSpecs/6379621551053996032) than what it should be (projects/233822521623/locations/us-central1/datasets/TBL9190523577219153920/tableSpecs/5457865769117286400/columnSpecs/3971112193352531968).

Closing as obsolete