tests.unit.gapic.dialogflowcx_v3.test_flows: test_list_flows_pager failed
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commit: 7756cb0
buildURL: Build Status, Sponge
status: failed
Test output
transport_name = 'grpc'def test_list_flows_pager(transport_name: str = "grpc"): client = FlowsClient( credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials, transport=transport_name, ) # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. with mock.patch.object(type(client.transport.list_flows), "__call__") as call: # Set the response to a series of pages. call.side_effect = ( flow.ListFlowsResponse( flows=[ flow.Flow(), flow.Flow(), flow.Flow(), ], next_page_token="abc", ), flow.ListFlowsResponse( flows=[], next_page_token="def", ), flow.ListFlowsResponse( flows=[ flow.Flow(), ], next_page_token="ghi", ), flow.ListFlowsResponse( flows=[ flow.Flow(), flow.Flow(), ], ), RuntimeError, ) metadata = () metadata = tuple(metadata) + ( gapic_v1.routing_header.to_grpc_metadata((("parent", ""),)), ) pager = client.list_flows(request={}) assert pager._metadata == metadata results = list(pager) assert len(results) == 6
assert all(isinstance(i, flow.Flow) for i in results)
E assert False
E + where False = all(<generator object test_list_flows_pager.. at 0x7ff1be8a4660>)tests/unit/gapic/dialogflowcx_v3/test_flows.py:1369: AssertionError