
Support for Faraday 2.0.0

Closed this issue · 2 comments

Faraday 2.0.0 was just released:

It would be great to be able to use it with signet.

gem.add_runtime_dependency "faraday", ">= 0.17.3", "< 2.0"

As an alternative to upgrading to Faraday 2, please consider dropping the dependency on Faraday, as it often results in conflicts with other gems or apps that use Faraday and major version bumps might be hard to manage.

oshow commented

I agree with reducing the dependencies. But Faraday 2.0 is an update related to middleware and adapters. signet uses neither faraday middleware nor adapters, so I think signet can loose the Faraday's version to 2.0 without doing anything.