
SetContentFile() and SetContentString() methods Fail on empty files (0 Bytes)

Robert-Leland-Young opened this issue · 3 comments

Dear Sirs:

While using the Pydrive module, I noticed that the

SetContentFile() and SetContentString() methods

generate an Exception when one attempts to

create a file of 0 bytes in length.

Here is an excerpt of the code I used:

from pydrive.auth import GoogleAuth

from import GoogleDrive

def create_file(filename, source) :

# Create filename in Root or Subdirectory

# filename  - Subdirectory Path to create on Google Drive

# source    - Local file path of file to send

drive = GoogleDrive(GAUTH)

# Check for a leading '\\' in filename

if filename[0]=='\\' : filename=filename[1:]  # remove leading '\'

# Check for Root Subdirectory

if '\\' not in filename :  # Create filename in Root

    file = drive.CreateFile({'title': filename})




# Find lower level Subdirectory




# Get File ID of Parent Directory for the New file

root_list = drive.ListFile({'q': "'root' in parents and trashed=False"}).GetList()

sdid='root'  # Assume no subdirectories in filename

for i in range(len(nest)) :

    sdid = ''  # Assume Subdirectory not found

    for lid in root_list :

        if lid['title'] == nest[i] :  # Found Subdirectory Title

            sdid = lid['id']          # Get Subdirectory ID



    sid = []  # Assume Subdirectory not found

    if sdid == '' :

        print(nest[i] + ": Directory not Found")

        return sid

    root_list=drive.ListFile({'q': "'"+sdid+"'"+" in parents and trashed=False"}).GetList()

# Create new file in Subdirectory

file=drive.CreateFile({'title': filename, 'parents':[{'id':sdid}]})



return file

def create_file_string(filename, string) :

# Create filename in Root or Subdirectory

# filename  - Subdirectory Path to create

# string    - string containing new file contents


drive = GoogleDrive(GAUTH)

# Check for a leading '\\' in filename

if filename[0]=='\\' : filename=filename[1:]  # remove leading '\'

# Check for Root Subdirectory

if '\\' not in filename :  # Create filename in Root

    file = drive.CreateFile({'title': filename})




# Find lower level Subdirectory




# Get File ID of Parent Directory for the New file

root_list = drive.ListFile({'q': "'root' in parents and trashed=False"}).GetList()

sdid='root'  # Assume no subdirectories in filename

for i in range(len(nest)) :

    sdid = ''  # Assume Subdirectory not found

    for lid in root_list :

        if lid['title'] == nest[i] :  # Found Subdirectory Title

            sdid = lid['id']          # Get Subdirectory ID



    sid = []  # Assume Subdirectory not found

    if sdid == '' :

        print(nest[i] + ": Directory not Found")

        return sid

    root_list=drive.ListFile({'q': "'"+sdid+"'"+" in parents and trashed=False"}).GetList()

# Create new file in Subdirectory

file=drive.CreateFile({'title': filename, 'parents':[{'id':sdid}]})



return file

I am using Python Version 3.7.3 on Windows 7.

Again, if one tries to create a file on a Google Drive using a file of length 0 bytes, an Exception is generated and execution is terminated.

I discovered the bug using a plain ".txt" file of length 0 bytes.

Thanks Much!

Robert, I note that you started this issue with "Dear Sirs".

Doing so is unusually formal for GitHub, but that aspect is fine and indeed charming.

What is unacceptable is assuming that the contributors to this project are all men.

This is the kind of little disrespect that may be unintentional or appear trivial, but the accumulation of which makes women programmers feel unwelcome in our industry.

Please try to be inclusive in your wording.
