
wanna List All My Team drive .

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I wanna list all my teamdrive in pydrive But not able to Find any method

Here is official method But Need it in pydrive

please someone give me pydrive code for that

I was able to enter the team drive like this

drive = GoogleDrive()
file_list = drive.ListFile(
        'q': "'YOUR TEAM DRIVE ID HERE' in parents and trashed=false",
        'teamDriveId': "YOUR TEAM DRIVE ID HERE",
        'includeTeamDriveItems': "true",
        'supportsTeamDrives': "true"
for file1 in file_list:
    print('title: %s, id: %s' % (file1['title'], file1['id']))

Has anyone found solutions?

@Taoshan98 have you tried to use PyDrive2 - it has related changes. At least we definitely support team drives in DVC - the main user of the PyDrive2.