
Crash after stop recording

Closed this issue · 5 comments

Device: ZenFone 3 Max
OS: Android M

03-20 17:24:52.634 11692        RequestThread-0  E  Timed out while waiting for request to complete.
03-20 17:24:52.635 11692       CaptureCollector  W  Preview buffers dropped for request: 1
03-20 17:24:52.635 11692      CameraDeviceState  E  Cannot receive result while in state: 0
03-20 17:24:52.635 11692                         E  Cannot receive result while in state: 0
03-20 17:24:52.642 11692                         E  Cannot receive result while in state: 0
03-20 17:24:52.674 11695                         I  Legacy camera service transitioning to state CAPTURING
03-20 17:24:52.675 11695                         E  Cannot call capture while in state: 0
03-20 17:24:52.682 11695                 Adreno  I  DequeueBuffer: dequeueBuffer failed
03-20 17:24:52.683 11695 CameraDeviceGLThread-0  E  Received exception on GL render thread:
03-20 17:24:52.683 11695                         E  java.lang.IllegalStateException: swapBuffers: EGL error: 0x300d
03-20 17:24:52.683 11695                         E      at android.hardware.camera2.legacy.SurfaceTextureRenderer.checkEglError(
03-20 17:24:52.683 11695                         E      at android.hardware.camera2.legacy.SurfaceTextureRenderer.swapBuffers(
03-20 17:24:52.683 11695                         E      at android.hardware.camera2.legacy.SurfaceTextureRenderer.drawIntoSurfaces(
03-20 17:24:52.683 11695                         E      at android.hardware.camera2.legacy.GLThreadManager$1.handleMessage(
03-20 17:24:52.683 11695                         E      at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(
03-20 17:24:52.683 11695                         E      at android.os.Looper.loop(
03-20 17:24:52.683 11695                         E      at

Same as #37

We have made a pull request with this crash resolved.

I have the same problem on my custom device(API 21), i found solution at there,
it works for me.

plz reffer to issue #57

This sample has been migrated to a new location where we can accept Pull Requests (check README for more information).

As recommended by GitHub, we are closing all issues and pull requests now that this older repo will be archived.

If you still see this issue in the updated repo, please reopen the issue/PR there. Thank you!