
Global search not working

khat33b opened this issue · 3 comments

If you try the Android TV Global Search, no results from this application shows up. I am using API 27. the search path is also different in the app. Android TV uses the authority/search/search_suggest_query/* path and not authority/search_suggest_query.

foxum commented

I found few problems in searchable.xml file and changed this:

android:searchSuggestSelection=" ?"

Also I removed from AndroidManifest.xml:

<path-permission android:pathPrefix="/search" android:readPermission="android.permission.GLOBAL_SEARCH"/>

And now it works.

Hi there. To be honest global search is not working for me on MiBox with Assistant. It's not working for sample or my application. I can only see "Available on" button, but no results like from youtube or other apps

This sample has been migrated to a new location and updates are happening there (check README for more information).

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