Caja is a tool for safely embedding third party HTML, CSS and JavaScript in your website.
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Caja is using Proxy.create
#1947 opened by kpreid - 1
Whitelist HSL color notation in CSS
#1918 opened by kpreid - 1
jQuery UI Sortable + Caja issue
#1949 opened by kpreid - 3
Deal with Object.observe()
#1934 opened by kpreid - 3
ES5/3 fails in Chrome 44
#1967 opened by kpreid - 1
test server should be more locked down
#1964 opened by kpreid - 0
Add support for CSS unicode-range single_codepoint
#1968 opened by cbikar - 1
Firefox 40 Nightly moved the error.stack property where debug.js was not finding it
#1962 opened by kpreid - 12
Cross-frame for-in is broken on Firefox 37, 38 beta
#1960 opened by kpreid - 1
- 3
- 2
SES needs to patch ES6 *Error [[Prototype]]
#1966 opened by kpreid - 3
viewport doesn't work at all
#1957 opened by kpreid - 0
Caja Playground "Policy" tab has tiny text box
#1958 opened by kpreid - 1
caja incorrectly nests empty HTML nodes causing them to be displayed in reverse order
#1959 opened by kpreid - 1
HTML Service does not work in Chrome on Nexus, but works in FF on Nexus, and Desktop Chrome
#1956 opened by kpreid - 2
#1955 opened by kpreid - 1
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Fix remaining uses of as a brand test to do something else.
#1953 opened by kpreid - 10
On FF35, non-extensible objects can be extended
#1952 opened by kpreid - 8
More reachable objects not cleaned
#1951 opened by kpreid - 0
(former deleted issue)
#1950 opened by kpreid - 0
Whitelist itemtype, itemid for microdata
#1948 opened by kpreid - 4
"ant runtests" has failures
#1946 opened by kpreid - 9
#1945 opened by kpreid - 2
JQuery 2.1.1 Version
#1943 opened by kpreid - 0
Possible security bug: iframe content loads in Caja
#1944 opened by kpreid - 0
'removeProperty' missing on CSSStyleDeclaration
#1941 opened by kpreid - 1
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handleUncaughtException is broken for non-DOM guests
#1940 opened by kpreid - 9
Browser lock up for large css files.
#1939 opened by kpreid - 1
Appcelerator Titanium - Apps Script fails to load in WebView (Android 4.3/Titanium 3.3.0 GA)
#1938 opened by kpreid - 0
Provide better Maven support
#1936 opened by kpreid - 0
test-scan-guest is slow under webdriver
#1937 opened by kpreid - 3
onkeypress not working
#1935 opened by kpreid - 1
SES initialization fails on the latest FF Nightly.
#1933 opened by kpreid - 1
drag and drop files doesn't work HTML5
#1932 opened by kpreid - 7
SES calls "new WeakMap(true)" which is incorrect ES6 and no longer works on Canary
#1930 opened by kpreid - 0
Scanner rules need updating for typed arrays on Firefox
#1931 opened by kpreid - 15
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the source code window don't show thw code
#1928 opened by kpreid - 2
#1927 opened by kpreid - 10
- 0
(former deleted issue)
#1923 opened by kpreid - 0
(former deleted issue)
#1924 opened by kpreid - 0
Row and column structre of bootstrap not rendered
#1925 opened by kpreid - 2
- 0
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Caja does not strip downlevel-revealed conditional comments [possible fix included]
#1920 opened by kpreid - 0
(former deleted issue)
#1919 opened by kpreid