
Loading saved songmaker links

Opened this issue · 4 comments

When I go to any Songmaker links (besides the blank initial page), I get a never-ending loading screen.

I have the same issue


Is this still happening? If so, can you open your browser's console and share any error messages that show up?


I'm having this issue too, and when I open the console, there are many errors. I'm not sure what they mean, so I'm just going to send a picture of them.
Screenshot 2020-12-26 212804
Screenshot 2021-01-11 205227

@pianoplayer201 - Thanks for the screenshot. Do you have any Kaspersky products (including any Chrome extensions) installed on your computer? Looks like one of them may be blocking certain assets from loading.

Also, can you share the song you were trying to load?

Thanks again