Hanging intermediate layers off different masters causes a build failure
simoncozens opened this issue · 3 comments
While trying to build Barlow as a variable font, I found that glyph a
hangs some of its intermediate layers off the Bold master, like so:
while ae
hangs the same intermediate locations off the light master:
Glyphs export is fine with this, but when converting to designspace, glyphsLib converts each one of these to a different source:
<source filename="Barlow-LightCondensed.ufo" name="Barlow Light Condensed {100, 500}" layer="{100, 500}">
<dimension name="Weight" xvalue="100"/>
<dimension name="Width" xvalue="500"/>
<source filename="Barlow-Light.ufo" name="Barlow Light {100, 500}" layer="{100, 500}">
<dimension name="Weight" xvalue="100"/>
<dimension name="Width" xvalue="500"/>
And then it complains that it has two masters with the same location:
File "/opt/homebrew/lib/python3.11/site-packages/fontmake/font_project.py", line 1302, in _run_from_designspace_interpolatable
File "/opt/homebrew/lib/python3.11/site-packages/fontmake/font_project.py", line 450, in build_variable_fonts
fonts = ufo2ft.compileVariableTTFs(
File "/opt/homebrew/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ufo2ft/__init__.py", line 172, in compileVariableTTFs
return VariableTTFsCompiler(**kwargs).compile_variable(designSpaceDoc)
File "/opt/homebrew/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ufo2ft/_compilers/baseCompiler.py", line 420, in compile_variable
vfNameToTTFont = self._merge(designSpaceDoc, excludeVariationTables)
File "/opt/homebrew/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ufo2ft/_compilers/interpolatableTTFCompiler.py", line 44, in _merge
return varLib.build_many(
File "/opt/homebrew/lib/python3.11/site-packages/fontTools/varLib/__init__.py", line 1125, in build_many
vf = build(
File "/opt/homebrew/lib/python3.11/site-packages/fontTools/varLib/__init__.py", line 1199, in build
model = models.VariationModel(normalized_master_locs, axisOrder=axisTags)
File "/opt/homebrew/lib/python3.11/site-packages/fontTools/varLib/models.py", line 253, in __init__
raise VariationModelError("Locations must be unique.")
fontTools.varLib.errors.VariationModelError: Locations must be unique.
We should ignore the putative "master" for an intermediate layer, and should just create a master purely based on the location coordinates.
If someone could put that into a test case, I could fix this in the Glyphs3 branch.
I have a script for this that aligns special layers to one master. I'll just update the Barlow source to do that.
That's probably not the only issue for Barlow VF; for that I'll reply over here