
1000 upem outlines for NotoColorEmoji or NotoEmoji-Regular

xplip opened this issue · 3 comments

xplip commented

Is there a NotoEmoji font with 1000 upem outlines, or are there any plans to support it in the future? This would be great to have to merge it with other Noto Fonts using fonttools' pyftmerge.

No such plan at time of writing.

The COLRv1 version could readily be recompiled so using You would add upem = 1000 to the config file in

You would add upem = 1000 to the config file

I added the line upem = 1000 in all.toml and compiled using the command time nanoemoji all.toml as mentioned in the Readme. NotoColorEmoji.ttf file is generated (with empty characters - see screenshot below) in /colrv1/build folder along with a bunch of warnings (excluded similar warnings for brevity) -

W0806 11:18:17.111457 140533869971264] affine_between failed: M361.9800109863281,720.72802734375 L373.2239990234375,675.6319580078125 L343.78802490234375,703.6279907226562 C355.8000183105469,703.7000122070312 367.8000183105469,703.5560302734375 380.1719970703125,703.1959838867188 L350.73602294921875,675.907958984375 L361.9800109863281,720.72802734375 M387.39599609375,577.7839965820312 L400.0680236816406,523.9759521484375 L366.9000244140625,557.9959716796875 C380.4360046386719,557.7559814453125 393.9599914550781,557.251953125 407.9040222167969,556.4840087890625 L374.73602294921875,524.9119873046875 L387.39599609375,577.7839965820312


Following is the first section of the generated NotoColorEmoji.toml in /colrv1/build folder.

family = "Noto Color Emoji"
output_file = "NotoColorEmoji.ttf"
color_format = "glyf_colr_1"
upem = 1000
width = 1275
ascender = 950
descender = -250
linegap = 0
transform = "translate(0, 0)"
version_major = 1
version_minor = 0
reuse_tolerance = 0.1
ignore_reuse_error = true
keep_glyph_names = false
clip_to_viewbox = true
clipbox_quantization = 32
pretty_print = false
fea_file = "features.fea"
glyphmap_generator = "nanoemoji.write_glyphmap"
bitmap_resolution = 128
use_zopflipng = true
use_pngquant = true
pngquant_flags = "--speed 1 --skip-if-larger --quality 85-95"

I am new to typography and need to merge this font with Noto Sans font in order for emojis to show up while generating PDF from DOCX using Carbone

hi - how can we build our own 1000 upem noto emoji ttf files please?