
Game link redirection for signed-out user

Opened this issue · 4 comments

Describe the bug
When a user is signed out and they try to directly access a game link, they are redirected to the home page with no warning.

Expected behavior
Somewhere in the redirection process, the user should be able to see a message telling them that they are being redirected because they must sign in to view game pages.

pl98 commented

This may need further discussion. This behavior currently exists because we want the user to be smoothly redirected after clicking the sign out button. Is showing a warning every time a user signs out going to be problematic in terms of user experience?

Yes, there should somehow be a difference between clicking the sign-out button vs. straight up trying to visit the game page while not logged in

pl98 commented

I have a feeling this might be a little difficult to implement based on how Firebase Auth works with the sign out process. This doesn't seem like a super high priority to me so I'll take a look at this some time next week.

yup, feel free to add priority tags to the issue. I didn't add the "final presentation" milestone because I think it's not 100% necessary.