error using newlatlngbounds(latlngbounds,int): Map size can't be 0. most likely, layout has not yet occured for the map view
Royhan18 opened this issue · 1 comments
Royhan18 commented
Im coding for android with expo. Then i found this problem
error using newlatlngbounds(latlngbounds,int): Map size can't be 0. most likely, layout has not yet occured for the map view. Either wait until layout has occurred or use newLatLngBounds(LatLngBounds, int, int, int) which allows you to specify the map's dimensions.
This is my code
arriolac commented
Hi @Royhan18, the snippet you shared appears to be related to the React Native Maps SDK component and not the Java or Kotlin version. I suggest asking in that repo instead to receive better support