Cluster and Cluster Item image blinking on map Zoom in out
tyagnesh-mufin opened this issue · 4 comments
I Have added cluster marker with “android-maps-utils:3.3.0“ cluster working fine but image with glide is not working perfect
Marker and cluster image blinking on map Zoom in out, Some time display Image and some time display placeholder image
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@t-yagnesh Thank you for opening this issue. 🙏
Please check out these other resources that might help you get to a resolution in the meantime:
- Check the issue tracker - bugs and feature requests for Google Maps Platform APIs and SDKs
- Open a support case - Get 1:1 support in Cloud Console.
- Discord - chat with other developers
- StackOverflow - use the
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@wangela Any update?
Have you isolated whether this is an issue with Glide latency or an issue with marker clustering?
@wangela Issue with marker clustering, Thumbnail Image load successfully using Glide but marker not updated, it's working fine if i load all image befor create cluster, but record is 100+ so it take too much time if i load all thumbnail