
Got error while attach to USB

masbog opened this issue · 2 comments


i try to attach on my iOS device (iOS 12.0), i change the frida session on python script like:

session = frida.get_usb_device().attach("imagent")
#session = frida.attach("imagent")

Hooking -[MessageServiceSession handler:incomingMessage:...] @ 0x211ef60f9
{'type': 'error', 'description': 'Error: unable to intercept function at 0x211ef60f9; please file a bug', 'stack': 'Error: unable to intercept function at 0x211ef60f9; please file a bug\n at frida/runtime/core.js:387\n at /script1.js:70', 'fileName': 'frida/runtime/core.js', 'lineNumber': 387, 'columnNumber': 1}
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The offset is macOS dependent and not in any relation to your iOS version. what macOS are you running @masbog? This error usually means that the provided function offset was not found and therefore cannot be hooked.