
1.0.2: Client never reaches out for auth request

dgates opened this issue · 4 comments

I've downloaded the Unity package for 1.0.2 and set up the sample scene with my web client-id. When pressing the Sign-in button in the app, it displays "Calling Sign In" however no response is ever received, and no activity log is noted in Google to indicate a login attempt was made. No prompt is ever displayed requesting a login and password. I've followed the steps in the documentation as closely as possible. Any troubleshooting suggestions?

Can you share the output of logcat from when the app starts to when you click the sign-in button?

hi @claywilkinson , i have same issue here, any suggest for me?

i just add log like this

    AddStatusText("Calling SignIn");
AddStatusText("Calling SignIn2");
AddStatusText("Calling SignIn3");

but the last text never came out ("Calling Signin3")

I'm facing the same problem
Any solutions?

I fixed this problem by commenting Google Play Service related configs in GoogleSingInDependencies.xml:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
  <!-- See for
    how to configure dependencies -->
  <!-- <androidPackages>
    <androidPackage spec="">
  </androidPackages> -->

  <!-- iOS Cocoapod dependencies can be specified by each iosPod element. -->
    <iosPod name="GoogleSignIn" version=">= 4.0.2" bitcodeEnabled="false"

you can find this file here: \Assets\GoogleSignIn\Editor\GoogleSignInDependencies.xml
but now, i'm facing an AggregateException :]