
I have one question about this version.

yul2da opened this issue · 1 comments

Hi. I’m GitHub Beginner.
I have one question about this version.
This latest version doesn’t have unitypackage file in release unlike the first versoin, it just has only ZipFile.
I don’t really know how to import such package which has been just downloaded as ZipFile without
“unitypackage file” into Unity Project.

So my question is,
Is there any way to connect the “latest version ZipFile” to the “first unitypackage file”??
Is there any way to just import the “latest version ZipFile” right into the Unity project??

I would really appreciate that if someone gives a quick answer.
Thank you.

Extract zip file. Then open [google-signin-plugin-1.0.4.unitypackage] file with unity. unity package copied to the asset folder.