
1.0.4 conflicts with com.unity.timeline@1.7.4 - Ambiguous call

carlossalasamper opened this issue · 1 comments

google-signin-unity version: latest
Unity: 2022.3.0


I am trying to integrate this Google Sign wrapper and when importing it into the project some compilation errors appear due to ambiguity conflicts with, a priori, the com.unity.timeline library.

I attach the error and a screenshot.

Has it happened to someone else? I've been trying to fix it for a few hours.

PS: I decided to share this error to contribute to the community of this repository that is a bit outdated.


Library\PackageCache\com.unity.timeline@1.7.4\Editor\Actions\IAction.cs(23,41): error CS0121: The call is ambiguous between the following methods or properties: 'System.MissingExtensions.GetCustomAttribute<T>(System.Reflection.MemberInfo, bool)' and 'System.Reflection.CustomAttributeExtensions.GetCustomAttribute<T>(System.Reflection.MemberInfo, bool)'

I close this, finally I have followed the steps here #205