
iOS Privacy Manifest Please respond

hendlake8 opened this issue · 3 comments

GoogleSignIs Sdk use 7.1.0
but this package not able

I'm sorry for not being able to speak English.

We require the Google SignIn SDK 7.1.0 update to continue using this package.

Updating the Google SignIn SDK to 7.1.0 causes errors due to incompatible interfaces.
스크린샷 2024-04-04 오전 10 41 53
스크린샷 2024-04-04 오전 10 41 29

@hendlake8 @tanukidarou
You can try this solution.
step 1: set version 7.1.0 in GoogleSignInDependencies.xml file.
step 2: download and replace iOS mm files from ( #205 (comment)

It works for me.